Saturday, July 4, 2009

To start everything off...

Welcome to The Collector.
I am hoping I am not sued by the Criterion Collection for controversy over this name.
This blog is meant to be read by anybody at all who is interested in motion pictures, but especially by Filmmakers and regular, if also thoughtful, film-goers. None of this is academic writing and much of it will only debatably be film criticism. Film criticism, as I see it, is often film theory minus the labels, applications and active intent (i.e it does not necessarily 'expose' something about society or human nature via said film). In the film reviews, I certainly hope that what I'm writing is more or less criticism, though the longer essays could take potentially any form. I myself am a filmmaker and some of the essays will undoubtedly be from a filmmaker's perspective rather than a critic's or casual viewer's perspective. I will try to turn out two or three reviews of individual movies a month and one longer essay every six weeks, but I expect to break this rule occasionally. Hold me to task if you must.
I am aware that this post itself will eventually be lost in the blog archives and only those who feel like searching for the first post will find it. Perhaps I should modify this? Perhaps it doesn't matter?
Consider this a mission statement,
Damon Griffin
Brooklyn, NY